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This is an online roundtable event designed to provide comprehensive insights and strategies for strengthening cyber security defenses in the housing sector. Given the increasing sophistication of cyber threats such as ransomware attacks, data theft, and service disruptions, this event is particularly timely and relevant.

The session will focus on the current state of cyber security in the housing sector, underscoring the critical need for housing associations to actively manage cyber security risks and implement solid measures to protect their organisations, residents, and long-term operational stability.

Key topics to be covered in this event include:

  • An exploration of how prepared the housing sector is for ransomware attacks, disaster recovery, and incident response.
  • A discussion on the significance of effective cyber hygiene from the perspective of housing associations.
  • A dialogue on how to manage security risks through the establishment of efficient organisational structures, policies, and processes.
  • Expert views on enhancing cyber security strategies within housing associations to guard against various cyber threats.
  • An in-depth analysis of cyber insurance, covering its scope, key requirements, the claims process, and an overview of the current cyber insurance landscape.
  • The importance of promptly detecting and responding to security events to safeguard assets and data.
  • Strategies aimed at minimising the impact of cyber threats, including the development of comprehensive cyber recovery plans and risk mitigation tactics.
  • The role of the Cyber and Fraud Centre in developing bespoke cyber security strategies to address the unique challenges and risks faced by housing associations.

The roundtable will highlight that cyber security is a concern that spans the entire organisation and is not limited to just the IT or compliance teams. By embracing and implementing the recommended measures and strategies, housing associations can significantly reinforce their cyber security posture, ensuring the protection of sensitive information and reducing the potential impact of cyber threats on their operations and residents.

This event promises to be an informative discussion, offering housing associations a valuable platform to understand, evaluate, and enhance their cyber security measures in response to the growing digital threats.

Panelists Include:

  • Declan Doyle, Head of Professional Services – Cyber and Fraud Centre
  • Mike Smith, Incident Response and Threat Intelligence Manager – Cyber and Fraud Centre
  • Donna Henderson, Director of Strategic Finance – Hanover Scotland
  • Gary Dickson, Digital and Design Manager – Scottish Federation of Housing Associations