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Researchers at a cyber security firm Resecurity have released a report outlining a new Phishing-as-a-service (PhaaS) platform advertised on the dark web. Named EvilProxy, the service allows threat actors to easily conduct phishing attacks which bypass multi-factor authentication (MFA) without the skill or technical knowledge typically required to create these attacks.

A video released by the threat actors operating EvilProxy shows how easily the service can be used. Threat actors only have to pay a minimum of $400 (£350) to create phishing attacks with the ability to mimic login pages for several tech organisations, including Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Twitter, GitHub, and Apple, amongst others.

Notably, EvilProxy can allow for a single phishing campaign to use multiple spoofed login sites, as well as allowing up to 10,000 phishing campaigns to run at once from a single profile.
Researchers pointed out that the inclusion of GitHub attacks to the service may allow threat actors to conduct targeted supply chain attacks which aim to compromise repositories belonging to software developers and engineers, which use their legitimacy to gain access to end users’ devices and spread malware.
To conduct attacks that can bypass MFA, EvilProxy operates using what is known as the ‘Reverse Proxy’ concept. A significant flaw in the MFA process, the concept involves leading victims to a phishing page where they are prompted to sign in. Should MFA be enabled on their account, the service fetches the legitimate MFA page from the organisation it mimics and displays to the user. Once MFA is completed by the user, the service detects the cookies used to authenticate the login session and harvests them for the threat actors to use later, giving them the ability to bypass MFA.

Microsoft is aware of the flaw in MFA and has created an infographic to explain how the reverse proxy concept works. Source:

As EvilProxy is so easy to use, instances of reverse proxy phishing attacks may increase dramatically as low-skilled hackers take advantage of the platform, including easy-to-follow instructions on how to set up and manage a phishing campaign.

EvilProxy even includes step-by-step instructions and common questions on setting up a phishing campaign. Source:

The full Resecurity report on EvilProxy can be found here.


Phishing attacks are one of the most used methods by hackers to gain access to a system. To reduce the chances of a phishing attack from becoming successful, follow these steps:

  • Turn on spam filters and investigate possible anti-phishing solutions. Using systems that detect phishing emails can help prevent these emails from reaching your users.
  • Train colleagues on the signs of a phishing attack, such as looking for misspelt and odd email handles, urgent requests, and bad grammar and spelling.
  • Should a phishing email land in your inbox, notify all colleagues to watch out for similar emails. If possible, block the email domain and IP address associated with the malicious email.
  • Create an atmosphere of trust within your organisation – ask colleagues to report any phishing emails as soon as possible, especially if they have clicked on any links or files within the email.

Resecurity has released some domains and IP addresses associated with EvilProxy from their detection systems. Blocking these domains and addresses can help protect your network from being attacked. However, it should be noted that threat actors dynamically change the IP addresses and domains used in their campaigns to avoid detection, so this list is not definitive.

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