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The widespread adoption of digital communication has created an environment where businesses and charities are increasingly reliant on online platforms such as Eventbrite to manage their events and engage with attendees. However, this reliance has also made them vulnerable to phishing attacks that cleverly disguise themselves as legitimate Eventbrite emails.

How Phishing Attacks Impersonating Eventbrite Work

  • Crafting Deceptive Emails: Attackers carefully craft emails that mimic Eventbrite’s branding and language, using enticing subject lines like “Important Event Update” or “Membership Renewal” to lure recipients into opening them.
  • Embedding Malicious Links or Attachments: Once opened, these emails may contain links or attachments that, when clicked, trigger malicious software downloads, prompt users to enter sensitive information, or even request payment for non-existent events or memberships.

Why Eventbrite is a Common Target

  • Trust and Familiarity: Eventbrite is a widely used platform, and its familiar branding and language can easily deceive recipients into believing the emails are genuine.
  • High-Value Targets: Businesses and charities often handle sensitive data and financial transactions, making them prime targets for cybercriminals seeking financial gain or to disrupt operations.

Protecting Against Phishing Attacks Impersonating Eventbrite

  • Educate Staff and Volunteers: Conduct regular cyber security training sessions to raise awareness about phishing tactics and emphasise the importance of scepticism.
  • Verify Emails and Links: Encourage individuals to scrutinise Eventbrite emails, checking for inconsistencies such as misspelt URLs, generic greetings, or unusual sender addresses.
  • Enable Multi-Factor Authentication: Implement multi-factor authentication (MFA) for all Eventbrite accounts, adding an extra layer of security that makes it harder for attackers to gain unauthorised access.
  • Keep Security Software Updated: Ensure that all security software, including antivirus programs and firewalls, are regularly updated to protect against the latest phishing techniques and malware.
  • Report Suspicious Activity: Establish clear reporting mechanisms for employees to promptly report any suspicious emails or activities related to Eventbrite.


In today’s dynamic cyber threat landscape, businesses and charities must remain vigilant and adopt proactive measures to safeguard their systems and data. By implementing the strategies outlined above, organisations can significantly reduce their susceptibility to phishing attacks disguised as Eventbrite emails, protecting their valuable assets and maintaining operational continuity.

Additional Tips for Identifying Phishing Attacks

  • Hover over links to see the actual destination URL: Phishing links often redirect to different websites than the one they appear to lead to.
  • Be wary of generic greetings and excessive urgency: Legitimate Eventbrite emails often use personalised greetings and avoid overly urgent language.
  • Do not click on attachments unless you are certain of their source: Attachments can contain malicious software that can compromise your system.
  • Report suspicious emails or websites to Eventbrite: This helps the platform identify and take action against malicious actors.