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As Amazon Prime Days approach on 16th and 17th July 2024, Cyber and Fraud Centre – Scotland urges the public to remain vigilant against Amazon-themed fraud, as it has been widely reported through media outlets that phishing and smishing campaigns continue to rise.  Fraudsters exploit upcoming events and the Amazon Prime days will be no different. 

The Threat 

  1. Phishing and Smishing Campaigns: Cybercriminals are sending emails and text messages offering time-limited Amazon deals, or warning that your account has been placed on hold due to payment issues. These messages often contain malicious links designed to steal personal information. 
  2. Fake Social Media Adverts: Fraudulent adverts on social media platforms are being set up to entice victims with too-good-to-be-true deals and discounts. 


Amazon Prime Day is one of the major online shopping events of the year and fraudsters exploit this by creating fake Amazon domains and launching scam campaigns. Hundreds of fake Amazon-related domains were registered in June 2024 alone and it is assessed 85% were malicious or suspicious.

These scams use the familiarity of Amazon to trick victims into clicking malicious links or divulging personal information, which is then used for fraudulent activities. 

What You Can Do To Protect Yourself  

  • Be Skeptical: Treat unsolicited emails, texts, and social media ads with caution, especially those promising incredible deals or urgent account issues. 
  • Verify Links: Before clicking on any link, hover over it to check the URL. Genuine Amazon links will always come from the official Amazon domain. 
  • Do Not Share Personal Information: Amazon will never ask for personal information via email or text. If you receive such a request, report it immediately. 
  • Use Official Channels: Access Amazon directly through their official website or app to verify any offers or account issues. 
  • If you’ve lost money to one of these scams or been the victim of fraud, then report the incident to Police Scotland by calling 101. 

Stay alert and protect yourself from these fraudulent activities to ensure a safe and enjoyable shopping experience during Amazon Prime Days. If you encounter any suspicious activity, report it to Cyber and Fraud Centre – Scotland. 

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