What is Train the Trainer?
Train the trainer is for those who have already attended one of our Exercise in a Box main sessions and want to facilitate their own session in their organisation. These sessions will take a different approach to our main Exercise in a Box sessions, instead of running through a practical scenario, we will be showcasing how you can facilitate a session in your own organisation.
You will learn about how you can drive the most benefit from Exercise in a Box as we share our learnings about what works and doesn’t work, so you can create an effective training session in your own organisation. The session will aid you in planning and delivering your own session, as well as providing strategies for engaging with the audience. We will provide our insights so you can become a more secure organisation.

What Happens During a Session?
A Train the Trainer session will take you through how to conduct your own Exercise in a Box session within your own organisation.
After tea and coffee on arrival, the facilitators will take your through an overview of Exercise in a Box and why these sessions are beneficial to your organisation. We will then discuss facilitating your own session within your organisation, the pitfalls we have learned from our own sessions and what we believe works well in these sessions. At the end, we will leave time for a Q&A where you can ask any questions and cover anything that you are not sure on. You will be able to walk out of this session with confidence to be able to facilitate your own Exercise in a Box session with your employees.