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The Cyber and Fraud Centre Scotland is delighted to launch a new training series, providing practical, hands-on exercises to boost cyber security readiness. Our Cyber Bytes and Insights sessions (free for a limited time) are online 1-hour events, held over lunchtime every Thursday, at the end of the month. The micro exercises will give: 

  • Advice tailored to your organisation’s cyber posture. 
  • Guidance on how to improve your position. 
  • Templates to use in your organisation to raise the profile of cyber and fraud threats. 

Cyber Training Topics

Covering five key topics, the sessions will include: 


This session will focus on simulating a ransomware attack, helping you develop and refine your response strategy, test crisis communication plans, evaluate backup and recovery procedures, practice decision-making under pressure, and review post-attack recovery and lessons learned to strengthen your organisation’s resilience.  

Supply Chain

We will look at a supply chain attack, helping you assess third-party risks, improve vendor management practices, test your incident response plan, strengthen communication with suppliers during a crisis, evaluate mitigation strategies and review post-attack recovery to enhance overall supply chain security. 


Our team will simulate phishing attacks, helping you identify vulnerabilities, refine employee awareness and training, test incident response protocols, improve detection and reporting mechanisms, and review post-attack analysis to strengthen your organisation’s defence against phishing threats.  


We will focus on attacks related to password vulnerabilities, helping you assess current password policies, improve practices for password creation and storage, test the effectiveness of multi-factor authentication, evaluate response to compromised credentials, and review strategies to enhance overall password security.   

Connecting Securely

Concentrating on network connections, we will help you assess the security of remote access methods, improve secure connection practices, test incident response to breaches in connectivity, evaluate encryption and authentication measures, and review strategies for maintaining secure connections.  

Cyber Security Training

At the end of each Cyber Bytes session, you will be able to: 

  • Improve your cyber posture. 
  • Have a deeper understanding of current and potential cyber and fraud threats. 
  • Confidently discuss threats with your team members, senior management and board. 

Watch this space for event information about the first Cyber Bytes session on Ransomware, and instructions on how to secure your place.