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In-House Sessions

Many organisations have requested an in-house session for their employees, clients, members, or other organisations they have a relationship with. These sessions work well due to prior relationships, meaning a much more open discussion is had at the end of the session. This can be an opportunity for your organisation to get more value from Exercise in a Box.

For each session we usually host between 7-15 companies. We can do closed off sessions which are only open to your contacts, or we can do a mixture of both open and closed. Either way, we must still meet the average 7-15 companies’ number for in-house sessions.

These sessions can be hosted online or in person. If you are interested in organising one of these sessions, please join the waitlist and we will be in contact with more details.


In-House Session Waitlist

What Happens During a Session?

During the session, we pair you with one of our ethical hackers who will take you through and facilitate questions designed to re-create a common cyber threat scenario. This means that you have someone on hand who will help you understand if you are doing enough and what else you could consider implementing.

Each scenario is split into ‘inject’ points which are used to re-create certain critical factors or moments in the scenario. From here, there are a series of questions you must consider and answer. NCSC has designed these questions to allow organisations to understand how prepared they are for critical vulnerable scenarios in the day-to-day life of an organisation.

On completion of the session, you will leave knowing you have done everything you can do to protect your organisation, or you will leave with tips on what you can implement to help strengthen your organisation further.


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